Sunday, May 26, 2013

Reading continues year-round at CAES

Ms. Freeman will be closing the library down on Wednesday to begin the arduous task of taking inventory for the entire library.  We recognize that our students still want to continue reading and even taking AR tests up to June 7th so we've partnered with the Carrollton Public Library next door to offer an exciting program.  If your student has a current Blackwater Regional library card, send it in with them and a CAES staff member will accompany them over to the library to check out books.  This is a wonderful opportunity to keep your child reading this summer but transition them over to the Carrollton Public Library.

If you need a library card, get in touch with the Carrollton Library Branch Director, Jenny Bailey.  Her email is:

Also- at the Carrollton Library5/30-6/1 - The Friends of the Carrollton Library will be having a book sale. Find bargain books for all ages and support your Friends of the Library group! 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

SOL Testing Begins Tomorrow

Carrollton Elementary Families,

We begin SOL testing tomorrow in the 3rd grade.  Although the SOL assessments do not entirely measure our student's academic progress, they are what the state uses to assess student learning at CAES.  Therefore we want to provide the best atmosphere for our students to do their very best. 

There is nobody who appreciates our CAES volunteers more than I do.  However we need to limit foot traffic and movement around the building.  Our testing occurs in our computer labs in the main square around the library.  Voices in the CAES entryway easily carry into those labs and could cause a distraction.  Please remember this as you enter the school and make your way to the main office.  Mrs. Novak has even threatened to gag me since I'm one of the most likely offenders!!!!  

Thus we've asked our teachers to suspend all in-classroom volunteers for the next two weeks.  You are still more than welcome to join your student for lunch in the cafeteria. We'll be done with SOL testing on Friday, May 31st just in time for Field Day and will resume our normal classroom volunteer schedule at that point. 

Please mark your calendars for our Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast on Tuesday, June 4th at 9AM.  Our staff will be providing all of the yummy food to thank YOU for all that you do to make CAES such an amazing school.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation as we enter our two week SOL testing window.  

Thursday, May 16, 2013

3rd Grade SOL Prep!

Our 3rd Graders got a special treat today! First, they had a special show by YOJO, on test taking strategies for success on the SOL Tests. Next, a senior at Smithfield High School, Jessie Reon, spoke to the students on how to be successful beyond the test. Lastly, we had the Smithfield High School Drum Line play for our students, while they let loose on the dance (gym) floor! Here are some pictures from our day! 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

One School, One Book Grand Finale

Friday, April 26

Last Friday evening, over 250 children camped out in the cafeteria in pajamas with their families to hear the final chapter of our One School, One Book selection The World According to Humphrey.  As Mr. Goetz read surprise after surprise in chapter 15, families were reading along with him.  I have to be honest, I did not expect that many of you to show up but I am so glad that you did. We ended the evening with a wonderful message from the author, Betty Birney.  The students were so excited to hear her actually talk about Carrollton Elementary School, I am not sure if they heard everything that she said.  For those of you who could not make it, we played the video again for all the students at school on Monday.  One of the high points for me, was the buzz in the cafeteria over the door prize of Book 2, Friendship According to Humphrey. (which I have been hearing that many of you are planning to read...hooray for you!)

I love that you can't see their faces...they are buried in a book!!

I am so thankful to all of you that embraced this program and brought Humphrey into your home.  Reading aloud with your children does so much for them.  It was wonderful to hear children walking through the halls discussing a book!  I have also had people tell me that the bus stop was another impromptu book club spot.  Children were willingly discussing literature without an adult prompting them.  It was amazing!  It is because of all of you that this was a success.

As Humphrey would say, "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you," for your participation and support.  We hope to be able to find another great book and have a One School, One Book reading club again next year, but until then, keep reading and let me know when you find a book that is really awesome!!

As always,
Happy Reading,

Carrie Smith, Reading Specialist