Sunday, September 14, 2014
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
New FDA Regulations for Healthy Foods for students
Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act Update
Dear Parents,
The 2014-2015 school year will see changes to the foods that can be offered in our schools. These changes are required as part of the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act that the USDA began implementing over the last several years. These upcoming changes to our guidelines are intended to meet the new regulations, continue to improve the nutrition of food offered to our students, and ensure the safety of foods offered to our students.
These revised guidelines include all foods/beverages available to students during the school calendar year on campus from midnight until 30 minutes after the end of the school day and includes vending, fundraisers, school stores, etc. The regulations do not permit any competitive foods sales to our students during meal times.
+ Under the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act the following guidelines are now mandated:
- Entrées must be less than 350 calories and
- less than 35% sugar and 35% fat and
- less than 480 mg of sodium and
- zero trans fats and
- 50% whole grain
- Snacks and sides must be less than 200 calories and less than 230 mg sodium.
Must also contain one of the following:
- A combination that includes 50% whole grains must also include ¼ cup fruit or vegetable OR
- If a grain is offered, it must be 50% whole grains OR
- Must contain fruit, vegetable, or protein as the first ingredient
Beverages permitted under the Act
- All age and grade levels:
- no restrictions on plain water
- Elementary
- 8 oz or less skim milk, flavored or unflavored
- 100% juice
- Middle Schools
- 12 oz or less skim milk flavored or unflavored
- 100% juice
- High Schools
- 12 oz or less skim milk flavored or unflavored
- 100% juice
- low calorie beverages
- 20 oz calorie free beverages
The Food Services Department will post a list of approved foods that may be offered to students on our webpage: If you have any questions, please contact our office at 757-365-1608 or 757-365-1620 or email
Food Services will have items available for purchase, which will include whole grain cupcakes, pizza, whole grain snack chips, low fat ice creams, and 100% juices. All of the items offered will meet the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act. If you are interested in sampling any food item that you are considering for a class party, please contact our Food Services office. Please help us make this a successful year while we transition to improved nutrition choices for our students.
For more info on the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act, please visit
Monday, June 23, 2014
Summer Reading Program
Now you can!
What???: Carrollton Elementary is partnering with the Carrollton Branch of the Blackwater Regional Library to give you access to A.R. all summer!
When: The program will run from Monday, June 16th-Saturday, August 30th and you will be able to access Accelerated Reader from the computers in the Carrollton Public Library or the Smithfield Public Library.
Why: Practice helps you become a better reader!
- Earn more points for your summer reading and get entered into a special raffle.
- Research shows that kids can lose up to 3 months of reading progress if they don’t read over the summer, so don’t let your child experience the “summer slide” – read all summer long!
- 5 lucky winners will be chosen to have lunch delivered by Mr. Goetz, in September, from a local eatery! Possibilities include: McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Bubba n Franks, Chick-Fil-A, and Tropical Smoothie.
How: Simply read books this summer and go to the Carrollton Public Library to take AR tests on the books you read. You may read books at any level, as long as you mark the appropriate box at the beginning of your A.R. test; read independently, read with, or read to. You will need to have a library card to use the computer, but you may get one of them for free at the library. After you have passed the test with an 80% or better, fill out a raffle ticket and put it in the container at the library. Only tests passed with an 80% or better are eligible. We will pull names and reveal the raffle winners the first week of school.
Friday, June 13, 2014
Field Day Race 2014
We had a fun and exciting field day this year thanks to Mrs. Madden!
Here is a great video showing Mrs. Novak's AM Race win! (by a mile.....)
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
SOL Pep Rally
We had a 3rd Grade SOL Pep Rally on Thursday before testing started on Friday.
First we had a former CAES Cardinal and current SHS junior, Lauren Bull, talk to all of our students in the cafeteria about SOL testing and how they're going to do really well. We've found the "fear of the unknown" is often the biggest issue for our 3rd grade students.
Next we "surprised" the students by taking them next door into the Gym where the Smithfield High Pep Band played several songs to pump up the kids.
It took a song, but soon the kids were jamming and dancing away!
Soon, a conga line formed and the kids joined up with the SHS Pep Band
Finally the students went around the CAES Main Square where 2nd Graders were lining the halls giving high fives.
Friday, May 30, 2014
School Supply List for 2014-15
Carrollton Elementary School has released the school supply list for 2014-15. In addition to this list, we're offering the opportunity for you to order the supplies and have them delivered right to your child's desk before school starts! Details will be coming about this exciting new program!!!
Carrollton Elementary School
14440 New Towne Haven Lane
Carrollton, VA 23314
Dear Parent(s):
Your child will need the following items for use
throughout the school year. Please
provide them for the first day of school.
Individual teachers’ may request replacement and/or additional items
during the school year. Your child’s
name should be placed on all items that come to school. This includes jackets, coats, hats, lunch
boxes, etc.
Additionally, if your child is four years old
through second grade, we request that you allow your child to wear a tag with
his or her name on the first day of school.
Thank you in advance for preparing your child for school success!
Materials list for the 2014-2015 School Year
Kindergarten (K)
Rest mat-Thin red & blue
vinyl type
Book bag w/o wheels
Pencil Box (5 x 8), not
zippered/not metal
4 boxes of 24 count crayons
10 Large Elmer's Glue Sticks
1 Bottle Elmer's Glue
1 pack of colored pencils
1 pack of Crayola Markers
1 Large Pink Eraser
1 pair Fiskar scissors
2 regular size boxes of tissues
1 - 2-pocket (with brads) folder
1 container sanitizing wipes
1 large Bottle hand
1 box slider freezer bags
(quart size)
1 box snack size bags
8 Dry Erase Markers (Low-odor
Expo preferred)
3 composition notebooks (any
color) (no spirals)
First Grade (1)
1 pair of scissors- Friskars
4 Dry-erase markers-Expo Assorted
2- 2 pocket folders- plastic
1 box #2 pencils Dixon
2 boxes of 24 count Crayola crayons
12 glue sticks
2 hard-covered composition books
1 box of tissues
1 package of cap erasers
2 block erasers
1 hand sanitizer
**See Classroom teacher for Additional Items**
Second Grade (2)
6 Composition books (black/white)
3 Plastic Folders w/ 2 pockets
1 package wide loose-leaf paper
1 Pack construction paper
2 pack 24 #2 pencils (no mechanical pencils)
2 boxes of 24 ct. crayola crayons
1 Fiskar ruler w/inches/cm (not mm
1 pair Fiskar Scissors
2 large soft white gum erasers
1 large bottle of hand sanitizer
20 Glue Sticks
2 Boxes of Tissues
4 Yellow chisel tip highlighters
1 pencil box (big enough to hold crayons, scissors, etc)
1 multi-color 4- pack of EXPO dry erase markers (low odor)
1 container of sanitizing wipes
1 container of baby wipes
**See classroom Teacher for additional materials**
Teacher Wish List:
Ziploc bags (Gallon/Sandwich/Snack)
Additional highlighters
Additional Composition Books
Crayola markers & Colored Pencils
Third Grade
*Some items
may need to be replaced throughout the year as your child uses them*
1 Pouch, Heavy-duty,
zippered, 3 holes
2 packs of wide ruled
loose-leaf paper
3 bottom pocket plastic
folders (no brads)
4 dry erase marker (wide tip) (Black Only)
4 packs 3x5 ruled note cards
2 Fiskers scissors blunt tip
2 box of tissues
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
1 container of Wipes (tube
type or Clorox)
6 composition notebooks
2 box #2 pencils “SHARPENED” (24 count yellow only)
2 pack of colored pencils
4 highlighters (Yellow only)
1 box of crayons (24 or
20 Elmer’s or Crayola large
glue sticks
1 pack of construction paper
(any color)
1 ruler (inches/centimeters)
1 small pencil sharpener
2 box of tissues
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
Optional Teacher Wish List:
1 container of Wipes (tube
type or Clorox)
Girls – Zip
Lock bags (Gallon size)
Boys – Zip
Lock bags (Quart)
** See Classroom Teacher
for Additional Materials**
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Ms. Hanson- IWCS TOY
Ms. Hanson has been VERY busy collecting her awards from her designation as Teacher of the Year for Isle of Wight County Schools.
She received her Teacher of the Year Award on Wednesday evening at a reception.
Ms. Hanson reacting to hearing from Dr. Perera that as IWCS Teacher of the Year, she's receiving $1000 towards a professional conference.
Ms. Hanson receiving her award from Dr. Perera.
Finally, Ms. Hanson kicked off the May School Board meeting by leading the Pledge of Allegiance. In addition, she was acknowledged by the School Board
Ms. Hanson's award marks the 2nd consecutive year that the Isle of Wight School's Teacher of the Year has come from Carrollton Elementary. That is a fantastic honor and is representative of the GREAT teachers who work at CAES!
Friday, May 9, 2014
CAES Great Computer Challenge Teams at ODU Competition
Mrs. Ball, the CAES SEARCH teacher leads our CAES/HES WHRO Great Computer Challenge. They competed this past weekend at Old Dominion University.
One of our teams showing off their hardware with Mrs. Ball!!!
As you can see, our teams were competing against 3rd-5th graders and they still earned awards!
Our students were awarded CAES participant medals and acknowledged on the CAES AM News
A special thanks to Brandy Robbins, Carrie Smith, Laura Lilly, Nancy Muhlbauer, Ellen Baker, and Cassandra Hobbs for helping out with the team!!!!
Mrs. Ball also wanted to thank all of the parents and family members who joined the team and cheered them on at the competition. Although we're super proud of the awards our students brought home, we're even more proud of the way our CAES and HES students conducted themselves. Judges at the competition noted that our students were especially well behaved and responsible.
WAY TO GO Great Computer Challenge team members!!!!!
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
CAES celebrates Earth Day!!!
Mrs. Day's class:
Go Green to Save the Earth
Mrs. Stubbs' class:
The students created a booklet showing how to recycle household items
Mrs. Rosenberry's class starting working on their outdoor garden:
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Budget Information Session hosted by CAES
The CAES PTA will be hosting a Budget Information Session for all parents on Tuesday, April 8th at 6:30 in the CAES Cafeteria.
We'll have Laura Abel, Assistant Superintendent, present a short FYI about how the budget will address the instruction needs in the school division. Specifically for Carrollton, we're hoping to get more teachers to address our large classroom sizes and technology to replace our aging computers.
Mr. Kent Hildebrand, IWCS School Board Representative for Carrollton, will also be present and available for insight into the budget process.
We have two donated dinners for 2 to two favorite local restaurants. In addition, we'll have free child care in the library so parents can enjoy relax and concentrate on the budget presentation while their kids watch a movie.
Make it a priority to get to CAES on April 8th at 6:30 to advocate for OUR students!
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
CAES Night at Yo Mix- Eagle Harbor Shopping Center
Tuesday, March 18th
6 PM-9 PM
Come out and support our school!
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Read Across America Week at CAES
Read Across America 2014
March 3-7
Attention one and all
From March 2-March 7 there is a big plan
To celebrate reading all across our great land.
We will celebrate Dr. Seuss and Read Across America, too,
It will be one fantastic week of hullabaloo.
It will be one fantastic week of hullabaloo.
Monday we begin and to set the scene,
We will all strive to wear something that’s green.
Featured Book: Green Eggs and Ham
(they will also be served in the cafeteria for breakfast)
On Tuesday it will be a great treat
To wear your silliest socks on your feet!
Featured Book: Fox in Socks
Wednesday we’ll read McElligot’s Pool
Dress for a hobby that you think is cool.
(in the book the boy likes to fish)
Featured Book: McElligot’s Pool
Thursday we celebrate the brain that is yours,
Can you think up a thing that will do all your chores?
(no dress up today, but feel free to draw
a picture of a “think” you thought up)
Featured Book: Oh! The Thinks You Can Think
On Friday we say “Hats off to the Cat”
Wear a hat to celebrate the Cat in the Hat
Featured Book: The Cat in the Hat Comes Back
AR reading challenge
all week
For each test that is passed, that child may put a raffle
ticket in the box in the library and be eligible for a small prize. The winners will be announced on the morning
Monday March 3 Green
Eggs and Ham
Special Breakfast served in
cafeteria and wear Green!
Tuesday March 4 Fox
in Socks
your silliest socks!
Wednesday March 5 McElligot’s
Dress as you would for your favorite hobby or as a fisherman
Mr. Goetz will read the book to the school following the a.m. announcements
Dress as you would for your favorite hobby or as a fisherman
Mr. Goetz will read the book to the school following the a.m. announcements
Thursday March 6 Oh,
the Thinks You Can Think!
in a picture of a “think” you thought up!
Friday March 7 The
Cat in the Hat Comes Back
We will watch the cartoon version of this
story today.
Friday, February 28, 2014
PTA sponsors Pinocchio Opera for CAES
The CAES PTA graciously sponsored the Virginia Opera production of Pinocchio
at CAES last week.
The entire school came together in the CAES Cafeteria/Gym to enjoy the child friendly opera
After the production, the students were able to ask some questions to the performers.
Thanks again to the CAES PTA for providing this cultural experience for our students!!!!
Thanks again to the CAES PTA for providing this cultural experience for our students!!!!
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Rock Wall installed at CAES
Thanks to a very generous grant from the Isle of Wight Education Foundation,
Carrollton ES was a recipient of nearly $7000 in grants:
- Mrs. Mason- $1784 for ECSE outdoor play equipment
- Mrs. Madden- $2500 for a Rock Wall in the gym
- Mr. Evans- $721 for Book Buddy Baggies
- Mrs. Booth- $552 for ACT OUT with Reading
- Mrs. Oparaji- $735 for an Outdoor Learning Garden
- Goetz/Novak- $470 for our Reluctant Reader Book Club
One of the coolest grants was Mrs. Madden's Rock Wall.
It was installed on January 20th and our students have already been enjoying it.
Thanks again to the IOW Education Foundation for their generosity.
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