Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act Update
Dear Parents,
The 2014-2015 school year will see changes to the foods that can be offered in our schools. These changes are required as part of the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act that the USDA began implementing over the last several years. These upcoming changes to our guidelines are intended to meet the new regulations, continue to improve the nutrition of food offered to our students, and ensure the safety of foods offered to our students.
These revised guidelines include all foods/beverages available to students during the school calendar year on campus from midnight until 30 minutes after the end of the school day and includes vending, fundraisers, school stores, etc. The regulations do not permit any competitive foods sales to our students during meal times.
+ Under the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act the following guidelines are now mandated:
- Entrées must be less than 350 calories and
- less than 35% sugar and 35% fat and
- less than 480 mg of sodium and
- zero trans fats and
- 50% whole grain
- Snacks and sides must be less than 200 calories and less than 230 mg sodium.
Must also contain one of the following:
- A combination that includes 50% whole grains must also include ¼ cup fruit or vegetable OR
- If a grain is offered, it must be 50% whole grains OR
- Must contain fruit, vegetable, or protein as the first ingredient
Beverages permitted under the Act
- All age and grade levels:
- no restrictions on plain water
- Elementary
- 8 oz or less skim milk, flavored or unflavored
- 100% juice
- Middle Schools
- 12 oz or less skim milk flavored or unflavored
- 100% juice
- High Schools
- 12 oz or less skim milk flavored or unflavored
- 100% juice
- low calorie beverages
- 20 oz calorie free beverages
The Food Services Department will post a list of approved foods that may be offered to students on our webpage: If you have any questions, please contact our office at 757-365-1608 or 757-365-1620 or email
Food Services will have items available for purchase, which will include whole grain cupcakes, pizza, whole grain snack chips, low fat ice creams, and 100% juices. All of the items offered will meet the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act. If you are interested in sampling any food item that you are considering for a class party, please contact our Food Services office. Please help us make this a successful year while we transition to improved nutrition choices for our students.
For more info on the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act, please visit