I am extremely proud and honored to be named the new principal at Carrollton Elementary. Many of you know me from the community as I'm actually a proud Carrollton Elementary parent. I have a rising 3rd grader with two more future Cardinals awaiting their turn to enter the Carrollton nest over the next couple of years.
My wife and I began looking to move into Isle of Wight County during the summer of 2003. One of the most important considerations when picking a home was to ensure that we would be living in the Carrollton zone. Many of you can do the math and figure out that we did not even have kids yet, but we knew that we HAD to live in the Carrollton zone. The simple reason for that insistence on living in the area- Carrollton has all of the small town advantages while still being just a short drive from the major shopping, sports, arts, and entertainment destinations in the Hampton Roads region.
I've been in education for over 15 years. My most recent position was as one of the assistant principals at John F. Kennedy Middle School (Go Wolverines!) in Suffolk. Prior to that, I spent ten years working in York County. I started as a school psychologist and became the lead school psychologist after two years. Two years later, I moved into a central office position in charge of special education services for all of the York County middle schools. Next, I spent the my final three years in York County as the assistant principal at Yorktown Math, Science, and Technology Magnet Elementary School. My primary responsibilities were special education, discipline, and introducing new technology into our classrooms. For example, we were the first elementary school in York County to bring iPods, iPads, Kindles, and SMART Boards into the classroom.
This background and experiences have prepared me well to help move Carrollton Elementary into becoming not only a regionally recognized school, but a state-caliber elementary school. I encourage you to come into school, introduce yourself and your children. Summer can be a lonely time in a school. Although we are hard at work closing out the previous school year and preparing for the upcoming year, I definitely miss the sounds of children around the building. So don't be a stranger! The Carrollton Elementary
Office is open Monday through Thursday from 8-4
during the summer.
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